Turkish Angora cats are a charismatic old breed, who have dipped in and out of popularity over the last few hundred years. They are almost always white, although they can have other colors on their heads or tails. This beautiful breed have a sleek, fairly long coat and grow to a medium size. They are thought to have origins in the mountainous regions of Turkey, and potentially evolved from the wild Pallas’ cat! This breed are distinguished by a glorious, unusually soft and silky coat, which probably developed to give an exotic kitty protection against the harsh climate of its native land.
- Coats, colors, grooming and shedding
- Are they friendly family pets?
- Are they healthy and long lived?
- Buying or adopting a kitten
This is an unusual breed with a very individual personality that might not suit every household. If you are looking for a lively, sociable, curious friend who will stick to you like glue as you go about your daily chores, the Turkish Angora could be just the feline friend you’re looking for! However, you must be mindful that white, blue-eyed Turkish Angoras can have hearing problems, so you will need an enclosed garden for him to play safely in that’s well away from dangerous roads.
Where Do They Come From?
The history of Turkish Angoras as pets dates back to 16th century France. However, thanks to indiscriminate breeding during the early 1900s, the pure breed almost disappeared. Then, in the 1950s the Turkish Angora was discovered alive and well at the Ankara Zoo by US servicemen.
Luckily for us today, this beautiful cat was imported into the US in 1954 where it has thrived ever since! In his native homeland, the Turkish Angora is considered to be a national icon! But these days, the Turkish Angora cat is something of a rarity.
Turkish Angora Appearance
The Turkish Angora is a small to medium-size kitty. On average they weigh-in at between 5 and 9 pounds. Males are usually a little larger and heavier than females.
Turkish Angoras are renowned for their fine, long, silky coats that shimmer as they strut around their kingdom (your home!) When they have their full winter coats, mature Turkish Angoras often sport a ruff around their neck, and they wear gorgeous, fluffy “breeches” on their upper hind legs, which are perfectly set-off by their extravagant plumed tail.
The traditional coat color preferred by purists is white. But the coat can be other solid colors, including black, red, blue, and cream. Patterned coats are also seen, including tortoiseshell, tabby, and calico. Their eyes are almond-shaped and can be green, blue, gold, or amber. Some individuals have eyes of two different colors!
Grooming and Shedding
You might think that the Turkish Angora is a walking hair-shedder! Or perhaps he suffers from hair mats, because of his long coat. In fact, neither is the case. Your furry friend’s coat doesn’t grow to its full length until he’s about two years of age.
This kitty’s luxuriant coat has no undercoat that could cause tangles or mats. His coat is one single layer of loveliness that is surprisingly easy to maintain! You can keep your Turkish Angora looking great by combing or brushing him just once a week. And he’ll certainly thrive on the attention!
Surprisingly, they also shed very little! Unlike some other breeds of long-haired cats, this kitty doesn’t suffer from regular shedding episodes. When you notice that your kitty is losing a little more hair than usual, just brush him twice a week instead of just once!
Packed with Personality
The Turkish Angora is energetic and easily bored, so you’ll need to invest in plenty ofinteractive toys to keep him entertained! These cats are full of personality and character. Your fluffy bundle of fun will follow you around, hoping for a game or just to see what you’re up to.
Many Turkish Angoras also enjoy swimming and playing in water. Don’t be surprised if you find your kitty taking a dip in your pool or paddling around in your bath with you!
Are They Good Family Pets?
Your friendly Turkish Angora will generally get on well with children, so long as they don’t pull his tail or hair. He will enjoy the company of other cats, and even dogs, although this kitty cat will always be in charge. Like any cat, he is more likely to be comfortable with something as an adult if he gets used to it as a kitten, so begin gentle introductions as early as possible.
Turkish Angora cats like to be up high where they can look down on everything and everyone in their kingdom. Be sure to invest in plenty of climbing and resting posts for your cat so that your furniture doesn’t become a substitute climbing frame!
Sadly as this is an unusual and especially beautiful breed of cat, it makes them a potential target for thieves. For this reason, some Turkish Angora owners prefer not to let their cat to roam free, especially at night.
Are They A Naturally Healthy Breed?
Any cat has the potential to develop health problems. And like any purebred cat, the Turkish Angora is particularly vulnerable to some disorders that can be inherited from his parents.
Turkish Angoras are pretty healthy cats. However, there are a few health conditions that they can be prone to, including heart issues and hearing problems.
Deafness In White Cats
Some white Turkish Angoras who have blue eyes may be prone to deafness, due to a genetic defect. Although cats can get usually along fine without their hearing, a deaf or partially deaf cat is unlikely to hear traffic or other dangers approaching.
If you’re worried about letting them out, don’t forget there are some great compromises, like supervised playtime in an enclosed garden, or expeditions outdoors using a harness and leash.
Turkish Angora lifespan
If you decide to welcome a Turkish Angora cat into your home, you can expect to devote between 13 and 15 years to his care. Some Turkish Angoras have even been known to live as long as 20 years!
Of course, giving your cat the right kind of food, ensuring he has plenty of exercise, and taking him for regular vaccinations and vet checks will help to increase his lifespan.
Turkish Angora Kittens
Turkish Angora kittens are cheeky, lively, active, and intelligent! And they love to spend time with their owners. Your Turkish Angora will follow you around the house, just looking for a game (and for mischief too!) This is not a kitty who will happily curl up and sleep all day – he likes to be on the go all the time!
When choosing a Turkish Angora kitten, always go to a registered breeder with a good reputation. You should always be able to meet a kitten with their mother. The kittens should be reared inside a family home where they can build their social skills, and mom should clearly be a much-loved pet.
Look for a kitten that has clear ears and eyes. All of the litter should be friendly, active, curious, and up for a game. If any of the kittens seem lethargic, disinterested in their surroundings, or have a milky discharge from their eyes or nose, walk away!
Breeders and Shelters
Reputable breeders will perform the necessary health certifications to screen-out genetic health conditions, so check that the breeder you are planning to use has done this.
There are a number of red flags to watch out for when perusing breeders’ websites. Warning signs include kittens always being available all the time, and breeders who have lots of different litters on their premises at the same time.
If a Turkish Angora kitten is not available, you may have to wait awhile!
Although the Turkish Angora is quite a rare breed that’s not common to find in shelters, you may strike lucky, so it’s always worth taking a look. In particular, see if there are any shelters near you that specialize in rehoming purebred cats.
Sahar says
We have one and she’s so adorable. She’s half white, half tabby. She’s a little over one year old. She’s so affectionate and playful. She follows us home everywhere, and only eats when we do although I leave her food available all the time. I try to play with her enough, but when I can’t, she’ll be happily watching birds on youtube. I wish I can attach a picture so you see how gorgeous she is
Claudia Walden says
My Turkish angora is adopted from a rescue home. She is my heart but she sheds terrible. I thought they didn’t shed much. Any suggestions?
Rondi Costello says
If she is a rescue, it is unlikely she is a purebred. They do shed, just not as badly as other cats.
Lu says
I also have a Turkish Angora from a rescue in Sydney. I’ve had him for 6 yrs now and he was around 3 when we got him. He is just the most amazing cat. To say one from a rescue wouldn’t be purebred is insinuating they are lying or don’t know what they are on about. My boy Doofus sheds terribly but I have a $500 pet vacuum which he hates. He is indoors only and sleeps where he wants to and often perches up on the kitchen bench. He is extremely spoilt.
Yafoor says
sorry i need to admit. I made a mistake. didnt know. We shaved the cat. Now feeling very very depressed and bad after doing it. I admit.
When does the hair grow back ? How long it takes.
an idea really appreiate your advice. I am searching all the net for this answer. Want to have him as beautiful as before. Promised my self will never do this mistake.
Rxmouse says
No worries. We did the same to minimize shedding. The hair grows back pretty quick. Our boy looked so adorable with his haircut but he is adorable either way. The hair will grow quick and by now should be almost normal length coat.
Yafoor says
Thanks RxMouse.
yes the hair is Alhumduiillah growing.
Rondi Costello says
I have 2 TAs, one solid black and 1 solid white. They are 8 and 9 years old and are half sisters from the same sire (who was solid black).
They are smart, funny and amazing.
Carolyn says
I have one pure white fur and silky with one blue and green eyed Turkish angora I believe. She is still a kitten about 6 months old.
Aimee says
Hi, believe it or not I found one in a box on the side of the road. the box contained several kittens which all are happily adopted. I kept 2. I’m not sure if they are pure but one of them I call Sir Prancalot. He has every characteristic mentioned above in your blog. But, he has a light gray marking on his head. He is pure white with blue and a green eye. Gorgeous cat! Loves water, flies me around, etc. Can this cat breed have such a marking?
Barbara says
Yes, many do . Some of them will faint and others will loose the slight grey hair as they get older. There is a myth that says is angel wings.
Rebecca says
I think the making on the head makes then Van cats, very similar and swim well but turkish angora is one colour i think. Does anyone know when they get their full coat and tail. I have a small rescue solid white very distinctive but not so long coat….im sure she must only be a year old?
Meta M says
I think I may have a turkish angora. She came out of nowhere one extremely cold winter night at -20C almost five years ago, half frozen and very skinny and begged to be helped. She almost climbed up my legs. No one ever answered to my poster and online notices to claim her and later no one wanted her so she stayed. At this moment she is happily asleep on my lap. We just had a brushing session which she enjoys tremendously. She has a pure white coat, so fluffy it feels like part down part silk. with an amazing ruffle. She has no undercoat, so her hair never gets matted.
She is very sociable, follows me like a dog, but she is not cuddly, although she did learn to sleep on my lap. I assume she is five now as she looked very young when she first appeared. She is also very playful and loves to play hide and seek. Outdoors she follows me around the yard like a dog and races me around the shed and to the house. She’s always on the lookout for fun and games.
Erika says
I adopted an 8-yr old TA from the local Humane Society last spring. So sweet and sociable! One thing, though – he doesn’t eat very much, and I can’t tell if he’s just a small eater, or if he’s not getting his preferred menu! What foods does your TA like?
Kat L says
My TA is pretty picky and not a big eater. I .leave her Blue Buffalo dry to graze on whenever, and she gets a Fancy Feast can every morning for breakfast. She only eats about 1/3 of it though. She weighs about 6.5 pounds and is 11 years old. Her weight has been consistent for about 5 years.
Joan says
I have a beautiful purebred all white turkish angora. She even has two colored eyes, one blue and other yellow. She is a dream and I’m grateful to have her.
Marjorie Ann says
I have had two Turkish Angoras from Azima. I have discovered that they do not tolerate wheat at all. One of my kittens would not eat and very loose stool.
Try giving your cat(s) a grain free diet and see how she/he responds. They do like Wellness.
Patti says
I have a cat I adopted from a rescue. Not sure if she’s a TA or not, but she fits the descriptions I’ve been reading here, except she’s calico. Rescue found her last year on 19F degree night…she was 5 weeks old & mother cat abandoned her (they tried to find mother cat to save her, too, but was nowhere in the neighborhood. I adapted her at 6 weeks old from them.
Anyway, I started her out on Fancy Feast kitten food…nothing wrong with her appetite, lol, eats like a little pig 😹 At a year old, I started giving her Tiny Tiger food, it’s grain free, and she loves it! She’s very feisty and mischievous and will jump up and slap my leg (no claws extended) if she thinks it’s her meal time and I haven’t given it to her fast enough.
She hates to be left alone when I’m working, but has my older cat for company…she treats him like he’s her kitten though he’s twice her size…she’s 8lbs at a year old to his 14.6lbs at 5yrs old, but she clearly is the boss. 😹
Lucero says
I had a Turkish Angora for about 20 years. He was in an abandon house and followed my mom all the way to her car, jumping there and adopting her for his next 20 years. We don’t know exactly how old he was when he came to live with us, but he was a young adult cat. Gave us all the love and happiness he was able to. Lost few of his lives around those years but bounced back to life even when we thought he would not make it. He passed peacefully in my arms with all our love and he’s buried behind our building. He left a huge emptiness at home, but sent us another Turkish Angora that needed a forever home. This one is a female, about 12 y/o, she’s getting to know us but she’s been through a lot already, so she’s taking her time. Also been “disposed” because of a chronically urinary infection she tends to urinate on furniture. Now with the proper food, and furniture covered with a nice plastic cover, she’s improving… Next step helping her lose weight. We are blessed.
Marjorie says
I have two TA. Both do not tolerate wheat. Always feed a TA a grain-free food. Wellness works well.
Gabriela says
I have one and she is sooo special ? She likes to sleep, but also play a lot! She is very crazy too! She starts running around the house like a freak like she running away from someone ? She also likes play hide and seek game ☺️ Anyways, this breed is very special ?♀️❤️
Patti says
My little calico is runs through the house like a little freak, also, lol…she jumps up like she’s gonna climb the wall (halfway up the doorframe) and slides back down hugging the doorframe in hallway, then chases my older, much bigger cat down the hall and tackles him to the floor, then runs & hides from him…it’s sooo funny to watch! She jumped on his back once & rode him down the hallway like a cowgirl on her horse, too 😹😹
Sarah says
I adopted a Tuxedo TA kitten and he’s almost a year old now. I have had many cats in my life, and he is something else! Never have I owned a cat like this in my life!
The most energetic, curious, fearless, and intelligent cat. He follows me everywhere, and has to be right into and involved what ever I’m doing at the time. He’s constantly playing games and tricks with us.. like stealing jewellery and hiding it for a while until you find it or he brings it back out to you lol, while we sleep in bed at night, he brings us things and sets it on the bed between us (there’s been a butter knife (couldn’t believe it), nail clippers, toys, etc. He constantly is on the hunt and stalking everything, and loves to be on the highest point of the house to watch everything (on top of the kitchen cupboards)
He also enjoys jumping into the shower and scares us lol plays with water. Always on the go, until he gets sleepy where he will come and cuddle up on or beside us with loud purrs.
He is also a big talker and is meowing all the time and talks to us and replies. I will attest that they will do anythinggg (good or bad) for attention. He is a hand full for sure but keeps us laughing no matter how frustrating sometimes he can be. I do find that he needs everyone to know that he is alpha and he unfortunately always wants to beat up our ragdoll and she is 7 years old. That had been the biggest hurdle is trying to get him to lay off her but can’t crack the code yet… he’s already been neutered but hoping as he matures hopefully he will settle down in that aspect and learn to let her live. She still accepts him even though he bullies her. We have tried Feliway friends, giving him timeouts, etc and can’t think of a solution and it would be appreciated if anyone had a good idea??
All in all we love him to death – but for potential TA parents, they aren’t as much as a lap cat compared to other cats, and do have a lot of energy to burn! Patience is key with them.
Patti says
You’ve just described my cat completely, lolol…except for the bringing stuff back & her being calico instead of tuxedo. She likes to beat up on my older, bigger male cat who weighs twice what she does. Then when he’s had enuf & pins her down on the floor so she can’t move, she’ll squeal for me to come rescue her, lol. It’s so adorable…like a younger kid picking a fight with a bigger one then hollering to be rescued 😹😹
At a year old, she is starting to calm down just a tiny bit…still tries to climb the walls like a wild thing though 😝 She follows me everywhere, but I learned early to not turn my back on her…I had a bowl of salad on the kitchen table one night & had turned around to get a paper towel…just about 10 seconds. During that brief time she had jumped up on the kitchen table & had started eating my salad, lol. ~scratches head~ I never thought a cat would like a salad to eat! Lol
Kendra Clubb says
We adopted our new baby Princess Isabella Cupcake 7 1/2 months ago now and she is amazing and stunning. She is very smart and a bit more laid back but still definitely in charge of other pets and gets along really well.she does follow us around especially when my daughter or I get up at night and shes so funny that when my alarm goes off for school or work she gets up by our faces and gets us up! She is an amazing cat and it felt like we always had her around and part of the family a month into it.we will get another one when we are ready
Bri says
I have a beautiful white with brown/black patches Turkish Angora. We took her home when she was 6weeks old. She just turned 4 years old. There was a litter of them behind my mother’s job. Don’t know if purebred but every characteristic in this article my Behr has. She’s the sweetest little princess and I love her with all my heart! I’m blessed to have such a caring, playful, affectionate companion
Tara says
We have two TA’s both pure white one male who has Two different color eyes. blue/gold and one female who has beautiful jade colored eyes. Our male is bigger and very mellow. Our female is thin sleek shiny coat with a extra long tail. She is very adventurous and loves to be involved in everything we do.
Rebecca says
When did yours get its long tail please, Im trying to work out my rescue babies age, her tail pluffs up beautifully but its not long, shes shedding hugely at the moment and its coming into summer so im hoping she gets her coat in the winter. I think she must be a year just over? she has tuffs on her ears
Sharon says
I have a beautiful boy he is ow 12 years old and still runs around like a kitten. He is a tabby and white with a large lions main around his neck.
He has the quietest meow but the loudest purr, he loves water and I often find him drinking from the toilet if the lid is up. He loves the shower.
He has the softest fur and doesn’t shed very much at all
He is the love of my life.
vmck says
My Turkish Angora is famous for walking with the dog(age 16) !! he started at a tiny thing with a harness but graduated into a regular collar. They walk nearly side by side (from 6 weeks old) till… he wants to go eat grass. He has typical white hair blue eyes beautiful.. he his not deaf since he comes to his name but may have some partial deafness in a ear hard to tell. He is smart and does love water, follows me around wherever I am.. like the dog. Walks right with me stays with me and panics if he does not see me when we are outside.
He wakes me to go out to go to the pool side garden at our apartment nearly every day since we have moved in. Before this apartment we had to go to these high walls he would go around on-dog and I would follow him. Higher the better for him. He is a character as the breed is known for talks some and definitely the alpha but loves to cuddle with me and the dog and get attention. We do have a bit of trouble with him wanting to go outside or in the hall all the time. I would not trade him for anything
Kelly says
I’m pretty sure my 4yo big boy is a TA. If you google black turkish angora and click images it looks like a million pictures of my Zoidberg! I adopted him from a woman that found his litter in Texas after the floods so i’m sure he’s not purebred. I wonder if he’s part maine coon because he’s extremely long and 12.5 pounds is his perfect weight!
Mary says
I have a female TA and she can be a handful sometimes and can be very mischievious. We call her Mia but her name was Snowflake given her by her breeders They used her to breed two litters. She just had her 3rd. Birthday and has amber eyes.She is friendly with anyone who visits and is always nearby. She is not a lap cat but will lay on your lap for short periods at her choosing.Sometimes she is a little demon and flies around the house as if crazed.
She likes being in high places and will spend endless hours looking out at the back yard and makes weird little sounds if there are birds or squirrels out there.
We got her just months before my husband became ill and she was always on this lap when he napped which was often as his health got worse. When he passed away she spent many hours by the front door and or window waiting for him to come home. She must have done this for nearly 6 months. Now she is somewhat anxious when she sees I am getting ready to go out and always seems happy when I arrive home.I believe she is worried that I may not come home. She is a wonderful companion and I love her dea
She is a loving and playful cat and I am grateful every day that I have her.
P says
I thought that t/a kittens are mated to Persians. My daughter is allergic to Persians so we need a 100% t/a. I have one now who is ten. She is very healthy. Don’t want to return to Turkey for a kitten.
Meghann Booker says
My beautiful boy, Alaska (name given by the shelter), was picked up by animal control wondering the streets of Phoenix, AZ. We went into the shelter to adopt a cat to be a comfort companion for our son. When we walked in, Alaska moseyed over to us, started rubbing on my leg & following us the entire time we were there. He was the only cat to approach us on his own & the really the only one who seemed interested we were there at all. The shelter said he was probably your run of the mill, no real breed cat, around 2 yrs old. He is solid white with long, soft, silky hair & has one light gold & light blue eye. I knew as pretty as he is, he had to be more than just a “mut” & it didnt take long for me to find his actual breed. He’s completely deaf & I’ve never heard a cat yell & howl like he does, it’s SO loud & obnoxious!!! After the 1st month, my husband regretted getting him & has threatened (& tried) to get rid of him ever since, but he’s so special too me, I won’t let it happen. He is aggressive & will attacked any dog that he doesn’t know & sometimes even the ones he does know. Being that he was found as a stray, he is an indoor & outdoor cat. We were afraid to let him go outside but you can only take so much howling! To our surprise, he always came back, even through we had just got him. He ultimately picked me as his owner (though he is very friendly to others) & follows me everywhere; if I sit down & he’s in the house & awake, he immediately gets in my lap. If I don’t pay attention to him, he’ll get right in the middle (or on top of) whatever I’m doing. He’ll even grab & pull my hand back to him if I quit petting him. He follows me everywhere, inside & outside, even sleeping next to or on me, but he also likes laying in bed with our 5yr old until he goes to sleep. I taught him if I point, he’ll look for what I’m pointing at. If I wave ‘come here’, he’ll come to me. If I tap the counter, table, etc, he’ll jump up. My husband says he’s trained me too, lol. He wants his wet food between 5 & 6am, when he’s done he wants out & will quickly let me know when he needs food; heaven help us if he can see the bottom of his bowl, lol. I always call him ‘Mr. Majestic’ because he loves sitting on our pourch banister or the car & put his face in the wind while it blows his hair back, lol. I love him & can’t imagain life without him… though my husband can, lol.
Melinda says
My beautiful TA is pure white with amber eyes. I bought Taino when he was 2 months old and in a few months he will be 20 yrs old. Time goes by fast but I’ve loved him every moment of it. He doesn’t shed much, he’s a good eater, weighs between 10-13 pounds. He’s super vocal and still loves to play/cuddle. He’s my first TA and I would recommend this breed to anyone.
autumn foley says
Bailey and I found each other six years-ish ago. He was a few months old at the time. A friend of mine had liberated him from a broken down abandoned house and thought we were a good match so I took him. He’s the best kitty I’ve ever met. He’s sweet and smart. He follows me around the house and we have chats. He loves to talk to me and it’s almost like I’m chitter chattering with a person, he’s so involved and his pitch changes as he “speaks”. Just this spring he’s grown a mane and it’s so cool looking, very much like the photos I’ve seen on angoras online. This kitty has truly changed my life. Just last summer he got out by accident and he was missing for a month. I scoured the neighborhood looking for him and eventually he was found hiding underneath a barn three streets away from our home. I managed to grab him and get him back home and he has become even more loving than he was before. He’s my soulmate folks. This kitty and I were meant to belong to each other. Every morning he wakes me up by meowing at me and sitting on my chest and we get up and feed him and give him fresh water and clean his kitty box. Then I wait to sweep the floors because he needs a clean box before he goes potty in the morning. He takes his first afternoon nap around 2 pm and his second afternoon nap around 5. He sleeps next to me at night and he is always right near me. He is not a fan of water or small rooms. I think he may have been abused before I adopted him. He has the run of the house and all of my heart. I’ll try and post a pic. God bless everyone on this Earth, especially right now.
LadyPoof says
I have a gorgeous tuxedo TA with amber eyes. I have never had a more wonderful cat in my life… She was rescued from the back of a van as a kitten, and she had kittens about 5 months ago. I still have two because I wanted her to have someone to play with while I’m at work. She has all of the qualities mentioned above, although my favorite thing about her is how she trills to get attention. She is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen and I hope to have her and her sons for the next 20 years!!!
Saunie says
I just adopted my Turkish angora cat. She looks like a purebred to me. I’m finding her hair everywhere and it won’t vacuum up like regular cat hair.
Sue Malhotra says
I have a black kitten from a litter of a feral cat in Bora Bora. Turned out to be a TA! When I took her to the vet there, she exclaimed ” oh, you have one of the six identical black ones!” My neighbor had another one and we could not tell them apart except for their voices. Now we are back in a city, she will be 8 this year. Loves playing with water, plays hide & seek, used to play fetch, too busy chasing chipmunks and climbing trees. Does not shed much at all, or as I think, sheds outdoors when she rolls about on the driveway! I get her indoors every evening. She is not the cuddly lap cat but is a lot of fun and affection. She is our Princess!
Sondra says
Our Turkish Angora Sophie is now 6 months old. We purchased her from a reputable breeder. She is the epitome of a classic white with gold-green eyes and her hearing is perfect. Our energetic baby girl loves to play, loves people, and is a bundle of personality. She has her stubborn moments, well maybe a bit OCD. She loves to snuggle and wants to be the center of attention. We love Sophie. Thank you God for creating this beautiful cat.
Amber says
I have a white one with amber eyes, my husband found her under a tree at his sister’s house here in Lebanon a few months ago when she was only about a month old and brought her home for me to keep as a pet. Everything you have wrote about their personalities match’s hers.. She is amazing cat, we enjoy watching her play in our trees and with the other cats that come into our yard, she is patient with my niece and nephew, and watches over my mother in law.. We all love her so much!!
The reason why I am on this site is because I think she might be pregnant and my husband wanted to know how many kittens she will have if she is pregnant, do you know?
Mickael says
We are thinking to adopt a male kitten which is cross breed between Angora and Siamese.
We already have a mixed Norwegian forest male cat that is very calm.
We are living in a small apartment and we are wondering if it is a good idea to proceed with this adoption ?
Biden says
Any tips on best shampoo for white TA?