Ragdoll cats are at the large end of the scale for pet cats, but there weight has quite a range. 10 – 20lbs is the breed guideline, with neutered males the biggest and females nearer the bottom. That’s a pretty wide variation, but fortunately our kind readers have shared their real cat’s weights with us so that we can see how their size actually changes as they grow up.
- Ragdoll cat weight chart
- How they compare with other breeds
- Kitten growth and development
- Is my cat overweight?
Ragdoll Cat Weight Chart
Up the left hand side of the chart is weight in pounds, and along the bottom is age in months. We looked at cats aged 24 months and below, in order to show how a kitten’s weight changes during their main growth and development period.
The scatter graph has a fairly typical cone shape though there are clusters at 5 and 24 months where we had the most information. It would be nice to have more data points from kittens of other ages.
As you can see, the variation in weight is indeed quite wide. With most two year old cats falling between 15 and 25 pounds. We didn’t separate males and females, it would be good to do that when we have more data, so don’t forget to add your kitten’s age and weight below!
Differences between Ragdoll cats and other breeds
The other significant difference between Ragdolls and many other breeds is their size. The average domestic cat weighs somewhere in the region of 10 pounds once they are fully grown. An 8 week old kitten usually weighs in at about 2lbs
At 12 weeks old, most kittens will weigh around 3 pounds. Ragdolls on the other hand tend to be larger.
Ragdoll cat size
While some families take their kittens home at 8 weeks, many breeders of pedigree cats prefer to wait until kittens are 12 weeks old.
By this point, kittens are no longer reliant on their mothers and usually settle in well with their new families. They are also less vulnerable to injury – kittens are a massive tripping hazard, and at 8 weeks are very tiny.
Kitten Weight
At 8 weeks old, a Ragdoll kitten will likely weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 lbs. By 12 weeks, this has increased to the range of 3 to 4 pounds. So, while they’re not dissimilar to other kittens at this stage, you’ll find your kitty will mature to be taller and heavier than the average domestic cat.
You can see on our chart that by 5 months of age, many Ragdoll kittens have had a large growth spurt and are now 5-9lbs in weight. Rapid growth makes kittens hungry so you may find you need to increase their food at this point.
After this mid-year spurt, your kitten’s growth will start to slow down.
Weight Gain And Growth
As a rough guide, your Ragdoll kitten will probably gain one pound for each month of their life, up until they are 12 months old. And grow more slowly thereafter for the following year or so.
If your cat is a male they are likely to reach between 15 to 20lbs, with females weighing around 5 pounds less than this.
Is My Cat Overweight?
Cats have a reputation for being fussy, but cats from this breed are usually good eaters. It can be difficult to know whether your cat is just big boned, or whether they are actually piling on a few too many pounds.
The feel test is a good one. If you run your hands gently along your cat’s sides, you should be able to just about feel their ribs underneath a layer of muscle and fur.
There should also be plenty of ground clearance underneath your cat, and they should be agile and find it easy to jump up on to beds and other furniture. If you are unsure, your veterinary practitioner will give you an honest opinion.
The average weight of an adult Ragdoll cat is around the 15lb mark. If your cat is much over 20lbs or much under 10lbs its definitely worth having a chat with your veterinarian, in case you need to step in and help them lose or gain a little weight.
Tall But Not Giant!
The average height of an adult male will usually be in the range of 9-12 inches. That does not include their elegant upraised tail! Females tend to be slightly smaller. These are taller than average cats, but just like their weight, there is quite a wide variation in height between cats of this breed.
Although the differences in height between Ragdolls and other cats isn’t that great, if you are not familiar with the breed, it’s probably enough to make you sit up and take notice when one of these elegant felines enters the room.
My ragdollcat is turning 5 this year and his weight is 29 pounds. Is there anyone as big as my cat?
An absolute unit!
My ragdoll is 18lb…not fat..stands 2′ tall and his body is 2′ long…indoor /outdoor cat and a neutered male…he is amazing…comes when he is called and very talkative….very blessed he found me as a stray…how could anyone dump such an amazing boy!
Your cat is probably just overweight.
Not for a ragdoll
Sorry but, 29 lb for a Rag Doll is too heavy. Yes they are a big breed cat weighing more than an average cat, but he’s over weight which can only encourage medical problems and diabetes.
Him being 29 lbs. is “not” a healthy weight!
I was a vet tech many years ago (late 1980s) and we had a Ragdoll breeder as a client. She had 3 kings (studs): 28, 35 & 38#!!! Not overweight – just the “St. Bernards” of the cat world.
Mr. Blue is 1 1/2 years old and weighs 11.2 lbs. He is very active and enjoys playing with our 10 year old Boston Terrier. The occasional mouse that makes it in will be played with until it no longer moves.
what do u feed your cat?
We have a Ragdoll Siamese mix but he is 3/4 ragdoll. So almost ragdoll. I think he will not be as big as a real ragdoll but bigger as a domestic house cat. He is 13 month old and only weights 5 pounds. His little brother loves to eat compared to him. He is 12 weeks old and he weights only 1 pound!
I also have 2 brothers that are a Ragdoll Siamese he is five months old and one of my boys he weighs 4.95 pounds he is on a natural balance L.I.D. He has just had his well kitty check and my vet said he is going to be a very big boy and she has Ragdoll‘s herself
We also have a Ragdoll Siamese mix, also 3/4 ragdoll. We didn’t expect him to be as big as a proper ragdoll either, but we’re two weeks away from 1 year and he weights 14 pounds. Some websites say he will keep growing – ouch!
I have 2 ragdoll fixed Males and they will be 13 in september,
My smaller male is about 17 pounds and my larger one is around 25 pounds. They were the biggest and smallest out of the litter
Pics or it didnt happen
Mine is 11 and weights 26 pounds,
My Ragdoll is 10 y/o and weighs 20lbs. He’s been as big as 22lbs but that was too big for him. He’s definitely a bigger boy but I would like to see him around 18 lbs. He’s just so darn lazy… Never cared to play with toys, a laser,etc. Just wants to sit in your lap and sleep….or beg loudly for food when his bowl is empty for too long. Who do you think runs this house…not me that’s for sure!
I took my now passed partners ragdoll. Sometimes he will play but most of the eats poops pees and sleeps
I have a 5 month old Ragdoll runt of the litter. She weighs 4.5 pounds. I’m wondering how much she’ll weight at full term.
If you find out let me know 🙂 I got the runt also but its a boy..Hes 5 months today ..
I have a 5 month old Boy and he is already over 8 pounds. Yikes! He was part of a smaller litter which gave the babies a larger size overall
Just weighed my 5 month old kitties. He is 8 lbs and she is 5 lbs. They are from the same litter. They are so much fun!
My Ragdoll baby is male. He’s 7 1/2 months and 10.6 lbs
I have a 5 month old male that was the runt of the litter. He now weighs more 7.2 pounds.
15 pounds
We have a ragdoll for the last 10 years! He is very active when he wants to be! He is extremely spoiled and always has to be with someone in the house! He weighs 12-15 lbs. He has quite a personality! How old do they live till?
Thank you
There is a surprisingly broad range for Ragdoll cats, depending upon where you look anywhere from 12 to 17 years. You can find out more about this here: https://www.thehappycatsite.com/ragdoll-cats/
Our Ragdoll Murphy a male is a very healthy weight of 25.5 pounds?
Our Male lilac lynx point ragdoll (I swear he’s almost purple in colour) is not even two years and topping the scale around 20 lbs. I was very concerned about his weight until reading this!! Looks like our Loki might pack on some more!!
I have a Ragdoll – Jasper – who just turned 2. He is extremely loving and affectionate. When I got him I already had a little 6.5 lb pomeranian (rescue) who was very lonely and I noticed she seemed to love the neighborhood cats. When I brought Jasper home he weighed 2.5 lbs and Sadie (the dog) was 5 years old. She just took over being the mother. Now, he is two and weighs about 15lbs and she is 7 and still 6.5 lbs, but I truly believe that he thinks she is his mother. They absolutely love each other. They play hard and if he gets too rough she has a special growl that sends him to the corner (never any fighting, though). They comfort each other when one is not feeling well. It’s so touching to watch and he is very entertaining.
My Ragdolls Baby is only 9 mos old & weighs 12 lbs and I can’t keep him full, he is hungry ALL THE TIME. I feed him a whole 3pz can of Fancy Feast + 1/2 of another can. He wolfs this down faster than my other two tabby’s who eat 2/3 of a 3 oz can each- they weigh 16 1/2lbs ea and Baby waits for them to walk away & he EATS WHAT THEY LEAVE!!! If I don’t feed him any more he cries & cries! I think he’s gonna be a giant when he grows up! He gets lots of play time & my amazon parrot Sunny chases him- HILARIOUS!
Be very cautious re fancy feast. Do some research.
I won’t feed this to our ragdoll.
Can you elaborate on your answer for not feeding Fancy Feast to a ragdoll?
Could you please tell me more about Fancy Fest, I’ve tried very hard to change my ragdoll 10 month old to healthier brands, she gets problems with her digestive. SHe will not even eat the wet food of any brand. Just the fry Fancy Fest, and the only flavor she’ll eat is the beef one, red package. Tried everything, but she is almost 10 pounds at 11 months old.
I have a 4 month old Ragdoll…he loves to eat but I only feed him Blue Buffalo(dry) & pink salmon, tuna in olive oil & any dehydrated type of food like herring, salmon & dry little treats from Wellness etc he goes crazy for these foods. I have heard really bad things about wet/canned cat food. My dog doesn’t eat wet food EVER!!! I took Elliott( Ragdoll) off the the wet food immediately after picking him up from the breeder…I hope this is helpful…I vowed to myself if I can’t eat what my animals eat there is something wrong & I absolutely love my Elliott & my Frankie(dog). I hope this sheds some light I’m very well educated when it comes to animals!
Have fun & be safe : )🙀🐶
I feed my RagDoll Wellness wet food. I was told they are susceptible to UTI’s and need as much liquid as possible. Also told they don’t drink a lot so wet food is best. I do supplement with Wellness dry. Supposedly makes them thirsty.
I know this old now, but it’s not healthy to feed them what we eat. they need a different vitamin profile than we do. quality wet food really is good for them. yeah don’t feed fancy feast but feediing fish in particular to kittens is VERY dangerous because of the high heavy metal content and it’s bad for their internal organs. as a treater now and again fine.. but it shouldn’t be their mainstay. dry food is also good as a supplement but cats are used to getting their fluids from their food. you are making it more likely for htem to develop kidney problems by feeding this way as well.
Has he been wormed ?
My Ragdolls Baby is only 9 mos old & weighs 12 lbs and I can’t keep him full, he is hungry ALL THE TIME. I feed him a whole 3pz can of Fancy Feast + 1/2 of another can. He wolfs this down faster than my other two tabby’s who eat 2/3 of a 3 oz can each- they weigh 16 1/2lbs ea and Baby waits for them to walk away & he EATS WHAT THEY LEAVE!!! If I don’t feed him any more he cries & cries! I think he’s gonna be a giant when he grows up! He gets lots of play time & my amazon parrot Sunny chases him- HILARIOUS!
We have a seal mitted male ragdoll 5 months old and 5.5 lbs. He is ridiculously active and feels bony to me personally. I was wondering how to measure the height? I saw an article for Main Coon cats and it said to measure from paw to paw when outstretched. That puts our kitten at the max for height so I doubt this was the reference above. Does anyone know how to measure? Also, does anyone have an issue with poop sticking to the butt fur?? If you do are there any other suggestions besides trimming the fur?
BTW, I’m not a cat person but this little guy acts like a dog to me! Always following us around and even plays fetch with his toys. Not the toys we paid money for mind you, but whatever he finds that he feels should be a toy.
Our Ragdoll had a problem with that as a kitten not so much as an adult. I’d give that area a quick gentle wash in the sink (no harsh soap) Although sometimes I’d have to do a small trim.
Our 1y/o male Ragdoll (Professor Flufferson) is also quite active and playful and web have been wondering if he is an ok weight for his age as sometimes he eats alot and sometimes not much at all, and how to tell? I read in a forum a while ago that if you rub their rib cage gently (we all know that no ragdoll will turn away from this!!) if you can feel the ribs easily they’re underweight, if you can just feel the ribs they are a perfect weight for them and if you can’t feel the ribs at all they may be overweight. I like this theory as each cat is individual like us and a number measurement isn’t accurate for all.
My 20 year old female ragdoll cat is 5.5 pounds but she is healthy she is a very different weight than they normally weigh
One year old is 15 pounds
Hi. We have 2 male ragdoll kittens nearly 10 months old. Rather large weighing in at 5k & 6k. Both active although 1 more lazy than the other! Absolutely adorable breed would definitely recommend ?
I have a Russian blue x ragdoll male. He is nearly 10 months and weighs just over 8 pounds. Defenatly has more ragdoll in him. I thought he was big for his age untill I read this. He’s not the most affectionate but follows me from room to room and likes to sit near me, only time I get to smother him in kisses etc is when he’s tired. Other half though feels pushed out, cat get more love than he does ?, would have a house full of cats if i had it my way, all different breeds, just me, my kids, my mogs.
I’m worried my 10 month old female Luna is growing too quickly, and will end up over weight at 10 lbs already… she just eats 1/2 cup hills science diet dry and about 8 treats with a 24 hour period.
My boy is 2 and weighs almost 17 pounds. Is this normal?
Our Ragdoll is 6 today. She weighs 14 pounds. Loves to cuddle when I’m sleeping. She is pretty vocal, letting us know her wants. She has spurts of kitty crazies tearing about the house. Favorite game is tag. She is my little companion following me about the house. She is still very curious looking through waste baskets she can tip over(loves crunchy paper). She’s our little fur ball.
I just got a baby Ragdoll kitten on New year’s day… Lilac Point boy. I was told he was 9 weeks old, but he’s so tiny…. only 2.5 pounds, but very healthy. I weighed him this morning. According to the sites I’ve researched, that puts him around 8 weeks right now. Does this seem about right? Does anyone have advice about when I should neuter him?
At 6 months old.
My Ragdoll, Idgie, is 25 months old. He weighs 16.8 lbs. I feed him “I And Love And You” canned, dry and treats. Also Vetra Science hairball treats. He has had 3 hairballs in 25 months and I am very pleased with that. I love his personality.
Freddie Mercury is 6 months and weighs 10lbs ` never stops moving until he sleeps!
I have two male ragdoll cats they are 13 months old. The larger cat is 14 lbs, and the smaller one is 10 lbs. Hope they get a lot bigger so that they can’t get on my countertops anymore!
Our Ragdoll male (Chaplin) is 7.5 months and weights a little more than 10 pounds
My ragdoll female (Marie) is just over 9 months and is 10 pounds as well. So fluffy 😛
I have 2 male Ragdoll cats. They are 2 yrs old. One is 18lbs & the other is 20lbs. If they are going to keep growing for 2 more years then they will be huge!!
Does anyone know how much canned food they should eat at this size?
I have a 9 month old ragdoll named Marie and she is 10.2 pounds. My rescue cat (now 15 months) was chonky around that age as well but lost a good bit when Marie came around and is still fairly light since then. I don’t think I’m putting too much food out, but Marie’s “fluffiness” makes me think she may be overweight sometimes. I try not to overthink it and will weight a while and see how things turn out. Until then, she’s cuddly and adorable because she likes to lay on her back and get belly rubs.
my ragdoll is 3kg and she’s 2 years old she doesn’t want to eat more is that ok
Hi I have a boy ragdoll he was the runt of Litter I feed him on Royal Canin second age kitten biscuits and wet food Nature’s Menu chicken, he now weighs 6 and a half pounds and he’s 5months old
My chocolate point it 9 months old and 9 pounds! 🙂
My Ragdoll cat, Yoshi, turned 3 years old, March 2nd 2021. At his 2 year check up our Vet in VA, who had been in practice for over 40 yes told us he was at his perfect weight at 17 lbs.
Now we live in SC, & the new Vet who is kind but very young told us that he is overweight at 16.4 lbs.
Just found that a bit odd.
My male Ragdoll Milo will be 3 June 29th. He weighs 11.5 lbs. He is a very fussy eater. I have tried different brands of wet food. He is now eating the Weruva, Paw Lickin Chicken and he likes it.
Our ragdoll Ophelia (Little O), is 8 months old and 9 lbs. Never have I been more impressed with a breed. Our entire family absolutely adores her. She rotates among family members spending time with everyone and then cuddles with our shihtzu who thinks she has to protect O from our male Russian Blue if the play gets too rough. She wakes me every morning by licking my face (not my fav thing) she is playful and active, but gets her naps in. She is definitely more dog like in personality. The thing I love most is she has this very dignified, gracefully beautiful look- but she’s goofy as can be in personality and hopelessly clumsy. Her parents were large, at the moment she looks small to me.
My guy is a chocolate point ragdoll and he’s 8 months old weighing in at 11 pounds. I swear he has noticeable growth spurts every couple of weeks. Never met such a friendly, affectionate and playful kitty. His favourite game is kicking a foil ball around and playing soccer. Most gorgeous ball of fluff ever <3
We have a male albino ragdoll, he is 5 1/2 months old and weighs 10 lbs. Not fat at all and very long!. Vet says he is going to be a very big boy.
Is adopting a ragdoll at 4.5 months old missing out on their kittenhood?
No way, my one year old has only recently had a noticeable change in his behaviour.
our male ragdoll is 1 year old today, which is why i was googling the weight milestones and found this article LOL
he just weighed in at 11.6 pounds
My rag doll is 8 mo old and 11 lbs. He is built like a tank and has a pimp walk like a lion. I have no idea how big he’ll be but he’s not overweight. I built him a wall jungle gym which keeps him strong and active. He eats open farms and Stella and chewy raw kibble
My cat is 6.2 kg and he’s just 10 months old!He does like to run around if he’s in the mood though.So we’re trying to decrease his weight.
Scout is 3 months old and seems to be gaining a pound a day. He’s also a better boxer than our boxer, and should be an Olympic soccer player. Just sayin.
My 10 1/2 month old Ragdoll weighs 13.24 lbs. I think he’s going to be a big boy once he’s fully grown. I will be transitioning him over to adult cat food soon. I would love some advice on introducing freeze dried cat food to him soon. Has anyone had good results with freeze dried cat food?
I took the only 2 kittens from a litter. They are not pure bred Rag Dolls, but the markings, fur and personalities are as described. At 7 months old he weighed 11.5 lbs and she weighed 8.5 lbs.
I just weighed and measured my ragdoll kitty today. She is 5 1/2 months old. She weighed in at 7.2lbs and measured 17″. I think she is going to be a very big kitty.
Hi, My boy is 7 months 1 week old with 10 lbs, but one of his brothers is 12 lbs already.
My lynx sealpoint baby Sasha has been weighed in so far:
11 weeks – 1.29 kg / 2.85 lb
15 weeks – 1.96 kg / 4.3 lb
20 weeks – 2.3 kg / 5.1 lb