Great grey cat names come in as many forms as our gorgeous grey kitties. Whether you have a grey breed like the Russian Blue, or a pretty grey tabby, grey is one of the most beautiful of all cat colors. We’ve gathered over 250 names for grey cats all in one place. You can use these to create the purrr-fect shortlist for your beautiful grey kitty! We have also got some creative ideas for choosing a completely unique name for your grey kitten, depending on their pattern, personality or coat type!
*The products linked in this article were carefully selected by The Happy Cat Site. If you decide to purchase using the links provided, we may earn a small commission on that sale. This is at no extra cost to you.
Kittens come in lots of shades of grey. Whether you are brining home a blue, lilac or silver grey kitten, or adopting an adult grey cat, there are plenty of ways to get inspired. You can theme their name around synonyms for grey, or grey objects or even the weather! How about your favorite grey haired actor? The choices are endless, so we’ll help you to narrow them down.
Choosing Grey Cat Names
Grey cats are often seen as being mysterious as well as beautiful! And each one is completely unique. In fact, one particularly great way to choose between all the options for grey cat names is to closely study your feline sidekick’s unique coat color. Is she a stunning slate grey? Or perhaps a soothing blue gray? Is the shade of grey in her coat more on the light side, in the mid range or on the dark side? Is she silvery or maybe more dusky gray? Perhaps she even has a beautiful tabby pattern!
And what’s the difference between gray cats and grey cats? These are simply two different spellings of the same word – both are perfectly valid when referring to your cat! Grey cat names can be funny, cute, and completely unique! ‘Gray’ is a more common spelling in the US, but ‘grey’ is more common in the UK. Grey cat names can be funny, cute, and completely unique!
The 10 Best Names for Grey Cats
Raising a kitten is a wonderful experience, but it takes a while to figure out what cats like, and what kind of personality your new cat has. Choosing a name that your cat can ‘grow into’ is a great idea. There are lots of creative ways to approach choosing gray kitty names.
- Anchovy
- Ash
- Bandit
- Blue
- Dusty
- Pearl
- Shadow
- Smokey
- Storm
- Sylvia
Female Grey Cat Names
Girl names can be cute, feminine, and strong! Here are some fresh ideas for grey female cat names that you might not have considered yet.
- Agatha
- Artemis
- Beatrice
- Carmen
- Cleo
- Delilah
- Edith
- Elsa
- Fran
- Gemma
- Hannah
- Katherine
- Lulu
- Maggie
- Ness
- Opal
- Raya
- Ruth
- Sadie
- Susie
- Tasmin
- Talulah
- Trudie
- Ursula
- Vee
Male Grey Cat Names
Choosing great boy names for grey kittens and cats doesn’t have to be a challenge! Take a look at this list of great names for grey cats to see if one pops out at you saying “Pick me! Pick me!”
- Archie
- Arty
- Bruce
- Christopher
- Dennis
- Drew
- Ethan
- Freddie
- Gerry
- Harvey
- Hugo
- Joe
- Kylo
- Lewis
- Luke
- Mason
- Max
- Nathaniel
- Oscar
- Ozzie
- Patrick
- Ryan
- Samuel
- Troy
- Vince
Naming Your Kitten
When you are picking out names for gray kittens, and your little one is still just a tiny ball of fluff, you may not yet have enough information about his personality, habits, preferences or cute quirks to pick a descriptive name on that basis alone. Here are some gender neutral names that might suit your kitten best.
- Alex
- Andie
- Ash
- Avery
- Bailey
- Billy
- Blake
- Brooke
- Cameron
- Casey
- Charlie
- Drew
- Frankie
- Georgie
- Harley
- Jackie
- Jamie
- Jesse
- Jo/Joe
- Jordan
- Keegan
- Kerry
- Parker
- Sam
- Taylor
Keeping It Cute
Feline fanciers may disagree on many things, but there is one thing all of us seem to universally agree about: cats are very cute! Here are some adorable ideas for boys and girls.
- Angel
- Beans
- Buddy
- Bunches
- Cuddles
- Cutiepie
- Disco
- Ember
- Flower
- Haribo
- Hugs
- Jupiter
- Lady
- Lullaby
- Maple
- Mercury
- Misty
- Noddy
- Olive
- Petal
- Prince
- Sage
- Silverton
- Sylvie
- Tinsel
Adorable Inspiration
And if cats are cute, kittens are even cuter! Which of these adorable grey kitten names is your favorite?
- Barbie
- Bubbles
- Bunny
- Buttercup
- Chipmunk
- Cookie
- Cosmo
- Daisy
- Dimples
- Duke
- Elvis
- Faith
- Gumdrop
- Jellybean
- Marshmallow
- Munchkin
- Nibbles
- Nugget
- Picasso
- Pickles
- Romeo
- Simba
- Squiggle
- Taffy
- Waffles
Good Names for Grey Cats
As you probably well know, even if your cat’s predominant fur color is gray, often if you look closely you can see other, subtler colors mixed in. Here are some good names for grey cats that aren’t just grey!
- Artemis
- Cami
- Champagne
- Checkers
- Domino
- Granite
- Jewel
- Karma
- Lucky
- Mystic
- Oreo
- Oyster
- Panda
- Patches
- Prism
- Quartz
- Rainbow
- Sardine
- Shimmer
- Smurf
- Stardust
- Storm
- Wolf
- Zebra
- Ziggy
Grey Tabby Cat Names
The word “tabby” refers to a color pattern, not to a cat breed type. So, there are plenty of grey cats out there with tabby coats! Here are some ideas for them.
- Amber
- Anchor
- Asteroid
- Blackberry
- Casper
- Chai
- Comet
- Constellation
- Galaxy
- Ginger
- Katniss
- Marble
- Mouse
- Mushroom
- Nebula
- Obsidian
- Pepper
- Rusty
- Slate
- Smoke
- Speckles
- Supernova
- Tawny
- Titan
- Tongs
Celebrity Inspiration
If you have gotten this far and still haven’t found that one perfect name for your grey cat, maybe what you need is a little celebrity cat-spiration!
- Comedian Ricky Gervais and his gray cat “Ollie”
- Ed Sheeran and his gray kitten “Graham”
- Rapper Macklemore and his tabby cat “Cairo”
- Katy Perry with her gray cat “Kitty Purry”
- Abraham Lincoln with his tabby cat “Tabby”
- Amy Carter (daughter of President Jimmy Carter) and her Siamese cat “Misty Malarky Ying Yang”
- CeeLo Green with his Persian cat “Purrfect”
- Snoop Dogg with his two Siamese cats “Miles Davis” and “Frank Sinatra”
- Rapper Kreayshawn with her kitties “Kitty” and “Choppa”
- Eva Longoria with her grey (studio) cat “Nick”
Funny Grey Cat Names
There are some grey objects that you might never think to name your cat after, but the results can be pretty hilarious. Here are some names that will tickle your funny bone!
- Barbed Wire
- Bender
- Catfish
- Cement
- Chainsaw
- Concrete
- Dumbbell
- Duct Tape
- Gandalf
- Garbage Can
- Nintendo
- Pylon
- Rice Cooker
- Scaffolding
- Screwdriver
- Skillet
- Spanner
- Spoon
- Stapler
- Thermos
- Toaster
- Trowel
- Waffle Iron
- Weimaraner
- Zipper
Unique Grey Cat Names
While you are sleuthing out good names for gray cats, this is also a perfect time to start pondering all the great qualities and unique personality traits that make your gray feline so special. This can lead to great name ideas!
- Anchovy
- Bouncer
- Bullet
- Cinna
- Eclipse
- Einstein
- Flash
- Foxy
- Ganache
- Happy
- Hungry
- Jonah
- Kooky
- Loco
- Mystique
- Nimble
- Opal
- Precious
- Racer
- Rocket
- Silverbell
- Silky
- Springs
- Tigger
- Wily
Russian Names for Grey Cats
A Russian Blue cat is one of the most popular grey breeds out there! So, you could choose Russian names, or those inspired by the color blue!
- Akim
- Aleksi
- Anton
- Aqua
- Blue
- Boris
- Czar
- Dimitre
- Egor
- Feliks
- Feyina
- Gav
- Igor
- Indigo
- Irina
- Ivan
- Jurg
- Katya
- Kiska
- Marina
- Olga
- Periwinkle
- Sapphire
- Sonia
- Topaz
Choosing the Best Grey Cat Names
Choosing the very best name for your grey fur baby is not an easy task for most cat parents! After all, you will be using that name many times per day for many years to come to interact with your precious pet cat! If you have managed to narrow down your choices to just a handful of options, but you still have no idea which single name to choose, you can try this little experiment to see if it helps.
Write down your top name choices for grey cats on a sheet of paper. Next, practice calling your new cat using each name. Notice if your cat seems to respond more enthusiastically or more quickly to one name over the others.
You may want to try this experiment over the course of a day or two to be sure you are reading your cat’s responses accurately. But most of all, just remember that your cat will likely be taking the first few days to get acclimated to her new home anyway, so you have plenty of time to ponder all of your choices for names for grey cats and pick the one that is simply purrfect for your new little fluffy love!
I really love cats they are my favorite animal.
Me too Kyle. I have rescued cat/kittens for decades. Was raised on a farm, we had lots of cats and kittens. I absolutely love cats, they are amazing creatures.
They forgot “Church”! That’s what we named our grey kitten. Stephen King’s Pet Semetary
LOVE it! We have a black cat named chucher
We named our black kitten that he has only 3 legs
What? You didn’t name it Tripod???
Name them Legales…*leg-a-less*
Black Cat was “Kingsford”, get it?
Name him lincoln
“Church” from mortal instruments?????
Same I might be getting a kitten tomorrow
I’m getting a kitten too
I love my cats as well, I think the name Augustus is great for a gray cat.. Gus for short. Any thoughts?
Great name!
Oh My Gosh Kyle I couldn’t agree more. I’ve got 2 beautiful Tabby Muffins. Chloe and Mocha. Awesome seeing some one else online with the same amount of love as I for such a beautiful and tantalizing animal.
Kind Regards
same. Just thinking is blue a good name for a grey cat? Also you don’t exactly call grey cats grey you actually call them blue. No offence.
i like dogs
I just got a cat for my birthday shes a gray tabby cat and she has an orange spot on her shoulder do you know any names i could use shes a girl and very small
Hi… I found a stray cat that from what he looks like he is about 2-3 months old and he/she comes back every morning. For now I call him/her Meow-Meow but this list of names gave some good ideas for both girl and boy names. Thanks
Same, we found this grey kitty sitting in the back porch and he is skinny and a little dehydrated so we fed him and he’s super cute and sweet
We just adopted a gray cat yesterday, we named him Mr. Gray ?
My granddaughter named her kitten meow-meow. She talked to her all the time and that’s how she got her name. Thanks for taking in the kitten.
Me too
We found a stray kitty to she loves dog food ahhhhhh!CUTE
I’ve heard that the composition of dog food is really not good for cats. But for some reason they do like it and don’t gs love cat food. Go figure lol
I believe it’s cat food that can be really bad for dogs because of how how the protein levels are in cat food compared to dog food.
My vet said cat food is ok for dogs but dog food is not ok for cats
Dog food lacks Tarmine. An enzyme cats can’t produce alone. Feeding cats only dog food will it is added to cat food.
eventually hurt them.
Dog food is not good for cats as it does not have tourine in it that is essential for cat health.
A cat I have ate dog food when she was a kitten and now she’s fat
A little occasional dog food won’t harm a cat. It’s only when it’s a lot of their diet, especially for indoor cats who can’t supplement their diets by hunting, and for kittens whose eyes and brains are still forming, so they need lots of taurine.
She probably just hungry
Watch out though, cats are supposed to be eating dog food so it will mess up their system really bad.
Ruby my cat it super cute follow his insta @ruby_The_gray_kitty
Really 2nd Cats are my 1ST favourite animal in the whole wide universe
U might want to change your mind if you search fennic fox (just sayin lol), it’s a dog , cat, fox kinda thing
I named my gray cat Cleo
My grey cat’s name is Gladys Myrna.
I had a cat named Guppy he died last week on February, 11 2018.
Now I’m looking to adopt this kitten today. I found this adorable name Cinder on here so thank you!
My British Blue was Buxton. There was a film called Dougal and the Blue Cat and the cat’s name was Buxton. Buxton said in the film “Blue is beautiful, Blue is best – I am Blue, I am beautiful, I am best”.
Our Russian blue’s name is: Grisou.
It is a very cute name for either boy or a girl. It is also very easy for them to understand and remember. Gris means grey in French. 🙂
I dunno..probably Gandalf the grey… XD
I named my Gray Tabby Gandalf… it fits his personality perfectly.
Well, it depends on its personality and what it likes and does not like or what they look like. I recently rescued two baby kittens. One’s calico looking, and the other is grey. I named the calico one Pebbles and the grey one is Smokey.i hope you find a name soon!
My family is fostering 2 gray kittens. This has helped us think of names.
Found my stray last March 2018. She’s a tabby tricolor and named her peppa. My sons weren’t happy with her name at first but now they say her name suits her personality. She is the love of our lives. And not we’re adopting a boy kitten and his name will be shadow. Can’t wait to get him❤️
I absolutely love cats! They all have unique personalities and can be hilarious at times. I like the name Peppa for a girl and Peppers for a boy. I also found Snow, Mars, and Sir Pounces to be very cute. ?
We found a kitten in our garden..i wathched the film black penther..and so as my kitten is FIRM black… I named him “PENTHER”! 😉
It’s called “Black Panther”…
I have a cat that found me last year. She all grey, her mother was born outside and the grandmother was a stray I took care of on my front porch. She is all grey and I call her Baby. I got her in the house now, she has 5 kittens now and was looking up names.
We had a cat approx 1. 1/2. And her 5 month old kitten show up last late winter on our upper porch, both semi feral , and both was expecting kittens, we built them a warm place and provided food n water, over time built trust , they eventually came inside, mom gave birth April1st , April fools day to 3 kittens, and a week later April 8th during the eclipse the other mom had her first kitten she had 4 total, mom’s have been spayed and all the kittens will be spayed n neutered,,, 7 kittens n 2 mamas is plenty for us but we are glad they showed up, here I sit looking at kitten names,,,,,
We named our little girl gray kitty Shady!!
Rescued 2 kittens, brother and sister, (I think, since the vet couldn’t tell the sex yet becuz they are about 5 weeks) one is black with little white markings on the feet and a stripe down the tummy, and the other is a gray (possible tabby). Thought the black one was the boy, but now we think the Grey one is the boy. Names were Storm and Merlin. But if opposite sexes, then the Grey boy will be Stormie Majick, and the Lil black girl will be Aurora Satin or Raven Aurora.
We named the gray kitten we found, ‘Mr. Business’ after the gray cat on Bob’s Burgers
My grandmother and I found a small gray kitten in the corner of our fence. It was all alone, and cant be more than 3 weeks old. The mother was no where in sight, nor came back for the kitten. We took it in and don’t know what to name it. This website has some cute names I think ill choose from.
I found a cute cat in my back yard I typed in cute cat names and it brought me here these are so cute I might name her(the cat is a girl) something from the list these names are SO CUTE!!
Just rescued a gray Siamese with icecold blue eyes. We are naming her stormie
Just thought I’d share my kitty names..Tia, Nakia, Meow Meow, Bronc,Gracie,and Meanie Butt!
My 15 year old grey cat is Gracie.
Adopted a precious gray boy with white chin, tummy, and feet. His name from the rescue was Miso, at the adoptions they called him Felix. So we named him Miso Felix. But, can’t decide what to call him for short!
My grey cat is named Dorian grey.
my calico is named keiko (keke for short) 🙂
We just adopted a gray Male kitten and were thinking Dorian due to the hurricane. Love Dorian gray.
We have 16 cats. One Siamese color, one grey and 14 black. All our babies ☺️❤️ We absolutely love picking their names. Some taking months to figure out personalities and quirks.
Sassy, Chester, CJ ( Chester junior ?) sketch, iliya, Charlie, jack, Simon , simons sister, Keira, nario ,Hailey (our Siamese girl) little John , Sammy ( our grey boy) Rosie and olive.
I named my gr(e-a)y kitten Pepper, because it suited her pelt and personality
Back in my ballet days I had two cats, Misha and Ninski. Now I like people names so I have a Henry, Harry, Dottie, Winston, Tom and Bob. And Misha the 2nd. I’ve Also had two Gingers, Sassy and Sweetie. I’ve had ALOT of cats through the years. I recently lost Diamond. She was my loving, funny encourager. Very difficult to get overasing.
Hi, I adopted a tiny multy colored kitten last year at the SPCA and her name is SAPSY.. She is beautiful ?
Over the years I have had many cats,some of the names were Firecracker,Sparkler born on the 4th of July.Tattoo we got him from a tattoo parlor,Biscuit,Sundae,Cupcake,Peaches,Opal,Aurora,Snoball,Calico,Butterscotch,Mitzi,Licorich,Pepper
Awww, I found a li’l grey and white kitty and she followed me home looking 4 a name cuz no one claimed her!
my cats names are Swirl (died), Fluffy(gave away she was mean), Tiger (ADORABLE),Princess (scared of EVERYTHING), Connor (HATES CUDDLES AND LOVES PRINCESS SOMETIMES WILL PLAY WITH TIGER) my dog (had to give away when she was a pup) is named Jersey, and last but least MY 40-50 fish don’t have names.
How sad that you gave your cat away because you thought she was mean. 😭
yeah pets are for life
We have silver gray kittens born in our house, my niece is naming one olaf. Lol our kitty’s are our life they are all awesome.
My cats name is timber uggg
I recently got a gray kitten his fur is gray with faint darker gray rings at the end of his tail like a rattle snake. I need him Shadows
I adopted a 16 week old gray kitten with the tag name, Frederick, I knew that was not going to work so, I watched him for a few weeks. Today, I’m naming him Junior after my older gray cat named Pootie Tat, but It will be Junior Bones (because he looks so skinny (the joke will probably be on me.) HE is so adorable.
My favourite name in this entire list is Earl Grey. I’d use it if I hadn’t already named the newly born twins Earnest and Modesty.
I’m getting a grey boy cat with a white tummy and don’t know that to call him. Any suggestions
thanks to who made this awesome list of cat names! found “ziggy” for my white n gray cat
After debating for a while about getting a cat, fate has stepped in and made my mind up for me whether I’m ready or not. As I walked back home from volunteering today I came across a box with 4 kittens with a sign that read “free kittens”. Among the all grey with white spots kittens there was a male that screamed “take me with you”, so I did. Don’t know what to name it yet, (hence what got me here) but my dog is thrilled and I’m looking forward to seeing how this friendship pans out.
I had a beautiful, shiny, deep black cat that I named Merlin!
We have had Persian cats since we retired. Right now we have had two: Simba is golden orange; Max is a big Brown patch tabby. We are getting another Persian in 6 more weeks. Persians stay with the mother for 12 weeks. He is grey…..please suggest a name that comes to mind for a grey male Persian. Thank you. We have used these names for our Persians over the years: BlueBear, Rascal, Miss Violet, Red Prince,
i have a dark grey kitten that i named bullet
Mine is Gunner! Bullet is soo cute
I’m looking for the perrfect name for a silver Bengal cat that I’ll be getting in the coming weeks. Any ideas?
I named my grey male Gunner… I think that’d be super cute for a Bengal
Seryy — russian for gray –and the pun for siri
I have my gray cat his name is bompton
My 8 year old grey tabby chonk is named Felix but we call him Grey Beast or The Great Grey because he is the King of our neighborhood!
I don’t think you have my favorite!
NIMBUS! I’ve been a pet sitter for 16 years, and my favorite grey cat name
My name for a grey cat is the very best and I’m saving it for my next cat: Earl Grey! Feel free to use it if you like it. I think it’s spectacular!
I named mine BITER. Because when she would rub up against me. And I didn’t rub back she would bite me. She would bite me if I stopped rubbing her
I had a gray cat with gray ears, gray nose, gray fur, and gray paws. He was a lovely cat and because of his all gray coloring, I named him “Pewter”. He liked his name and came to me when I called his name.
We have had two grey cats–first one was named Seal for the cat in Patricia MacLachlan’s book Sarah Plain and Tall (and the TV movie with Glenn Close and Christopher Walken) Our 2nd cat was named Selkie–a tribute to Seal.