There are several potential pros and cons of declawing cats. The benefits include less damage to your home and even your own delicate skin. However, the disadvantages that come with these are pretty huge. This is no minor operation, and can end very painfully for your pet even in the longer term. Today I’ll help you weigh up the costs and advantages, to decide whether this operation is the right way to manage destructive behavior or whether you should go down another less risky route.
Why are cats declawed?
All cats simply love to scratch.
It stretches their muscles, keeps their claws clean and healthy.
It also leaves a visible and scented mark behind which tells other cats “this is MY territory”.
Scratching is such an important activity to them that it doesn’t even need to be learned, it is completely innate.
However, when cats scratch inside our home and damage our carpets and furniture, it puts a strain on our relationship.
In the United State, approximately one quarter of domestic cats are declawed to prevent them from scratching.
How are cats declawed?
Cats’ claws grow directly from the last bone in their toes.
Declawing a cat means amputating the final bone from each toe, using either a scalpel, surgical clippers, or a laser.
So declawing is a bit of a misnomer.
It’s not just the claws that are removed, it’s a part of the bone too.
The procedure must be performed by a qualified vet, under general anaesthetic.
Pros and cons of declawing cats: the advantages
In the vast majority of cases, the benefits of declawing a cat are all about the owner really.
Which isn’t necessarily a terrible thing in and of itself.
Many cat owners feel the quality of their relationship improves as a result of declawing.
Declawed cats continue to perform scratching behaviors, but they no longer cause damage.
This reduces tension and ill-will towards your pet.
A happy owner is more likely to make a happy cat.
But the main benefit to the cat could apparently be a stark difference between life and death.
Or at least rehoming or staying in the house they grew up in.
In one survey of people who opted to declaw their cats, half said they would not have kept their cat if declawing hadn’t been available.
Sadly if those cats had all been left with animal shelters instead, nearly three quarters would have ultimately been euthanized.
Medical grounds for declawing a cat
Very occasionally, your vet may recommend declawing on medical grounds to promote your cat’s welfare.
The two leading reasons for this are paronychia and neoplasia.
Paronychia is bacterial or fungal infection at the boundary between claw and skin.
Neoplasia is an abnormal tissue growth around the claw.
These are both medical causes with a surgical solution, but thankfully most pet owners don’t need to consider them.
Pros and cons of declawing cats: Pain
The American Veterinary Medical Association has done a lot of research into declawing.
They included 24 different papers in a review which have examined how much pain cats experience.
Both immediately after the declawing procedure, and over the long term.
Unfortunately it is difficult to accurately gauge pain in cats, because they are stoic by nature.
However, measurable pain was only observable on average for a couple of days after declawing surgery.
Nonetheless, the review recommended that pain relief should be provided for a minimum of one day after surgery.
And one veterinary hospital recommended pain relief should be provided for twelve days to make sure no animals were unknowingly left in pain.
The rate of long term lameness caused by declawing is low: less than 1% of studied procedures.
Pros and cons of declawing cats: Surgical complications
Should I declaw my cat or avoid doing so due to surgical complications?
Reports of surgical complications after declawing vary widely between study groups, from 3% to 50%.
A retrospective study of 163 declawing procedures at Washington State University found that just over 30% of the cats experienced further blood loss after surgery.
Blood loss was more frequent and more severe in older cats than kittens.
In a review of 252 declawing procedures carried out at the University of Prince Edward Island, 17% of the cats treated experienced wound reopening.
They observed this was more common when declawing was performed with a scalpel.
Approximately 3% of declawed cats experience claw regrowth, which can lead to abscess formation and pain.
Four studies included in AVMA’s review reported cats experiencing temporary paralysis in their paws lasting five to 30 after declawing.
A further five studies warned of complications caused by bandages preventing adequate blood supply reaching the lower leg after surgery.
These figures vary widely, but even at the smallest result it’s still quite a hefty amount of problems.
Does declawing affect normal cat behavior?
Opponents of declawing have long cited anecdotal evidence that it increases the frequency of unwanted behaviors.
They say declawed cats bit more and soil outside the litter tray.
The AVMA survey disagreed.
Undesirable behavior didn’t increase, and desirable behavior didn’t decrease.
How much does it cost to declaw a cat?
The cost of declawing a cat depends where in the country you are, and whether you are having two or four feet declawed.
The cost of declawing a cat using the scalpel or clipper technique typically costs between $80 and $320.
Laser declawing costs $200 – $450.
Should I declaw my cat for financial reasons? Does the cost outweigh the benefits?
Getting cats declawed: questions to ask your veterinarian
If you are considering getting your cat declawed, there are some wise questions to ask your vet before the procedure takes place.
Which technique do they use?
If you can afford it, laser declawing is associated with a faster recovery and fewer post-surgical complications.
Declawing with nail clippers in particular has been linked to higher rates of postoperative infection and long term lameness.
Do they remove all of the final toe bone?
Some practitioners prefer to leave a portion of the bone behind, to preserve some normal function of the foot.
But unless they are very experienced and adept, there is an increased risk of claw regrowth, which can result in painful complications.
If they intend to leave some of bone behind, ask how much experience they have in doing so.
And how often cats have experienced complications or claw regrowth afterwards.
Pain relief
How long will the vet provide pain relief for after the procedure?
And what monitoring will they put in place to make sure your pet receives pain relief for as long as they need it.
When to declaw a cat
Cats under a year old recover more quickly and have a lower incidence of surgical complications than cats over a year old.
If you intend to declaw your new cat, you should consult your vet while they are still a kitten.
Some vets may offer to declaw your cat at the same time as spaying or neutering them.
However this has been linked to slower recovery times and a higher incidence of postoperative complications.
Should I declaw my cat if they are over a year old? The choice is yours, but the risks do seem higher.
Should I declaw my cat despite my reservations?
Declawing is not illegal in most of the United States, but whether it’s morally or ethically acceptable is a debate which divides us.
Declawing shouldn’t be mistaken for a minor procedure, it is serious surgery and carries with it the same risks as any other surgery.
Many people feel passionately that declawing is an inhumane act of mutilation, which inflicts unwarranted pain upon cats.
Local laws
Bear in mind that if you’re reading this is Europe, declawing cats is already likely to be illegal in your area.
Declawing cats is also illegal in some parts of California, and other states are predicted to follow suit.
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and AMVA have both strongly discouraged the practice in their most recent policy statements.
In general, it appears that declawing will only continue to fall from favor and be more widely condemned.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the alternatives to declawing.
Alternatives to declawing 1: Behavior modification
If you are unhappy about how much your cat scratches, you should always start with training.
Surgery should come after all attempts to use toys, scratch posts, distractions and rewards to correct their behavior.
For help with this, hop over to our article How To Stop Cats Scratching Furniture.
Alternatives to declawing 2: Nail trimming
I suspect many cat owners will laugh mirthlessly at this suggestion.
I know I’ve never owned a cat which would surrender to having it’s claws trimmed without a massive fight.
However a cat with an amenable disposition, who has had their claws trimmed regularly since they were a kitten, might just go along with it.
A talented groomer or sympathetic vet might also agree to help you.
Alternatives to declawing 3: Nail caps
These are small vinyl caps that are glued over your cat’s claws.
They can still be extended and retracted and used normally for stretching, but they can’t scratch.
This is are a relatively recent invention, so there is not much objective research into their efficacy or impact on the cat wearing them.
They fall off when the claw naturally sheds its outer sheath (about every four to six weeks).
You can either replace them yourself, or delegate it to a groomer or understanding vet.
Bear in mind manufacturers do not recommend nail caps for outdoor cats.
Not an acceptable alternative to declawing: Tenectomy
Tenectomy means severing the tendons in the cat’s foot so that they can’t extend their claws and use them for scratching.
It carries all the same risks of surgery as declawing, but it has lower reported success rates, and cat owners are typically less satisfied by the results.
Whilst the toe bones are left in place, the structural damage to the foot is no less likely to cause short term or long term pain.
So unless your vet can offer a compelling reason for this procedure, it’s hard to imagine why you would.
Should I declaw my cat?
I will be candid with you: in compiling this piece, I have been convinced that declawing a cat is inappropriate.
It subjects them to the risks of surgery and the violation of body modification, without any health benefit to them.
I’m afraid I have little compassion for the owners who say that if they can’t have their cat declawed they’d rehome them.
Or have to leave them with a shelter and risk them being euthanized.
Before we bring home a new pet, we should be honest with ourselves about whether we can tolerate the normal behavior of that animal.
And if we can provide a safe home for them.
It’s time to stop seeing declawing as a solution to scratching.
To resolve to modify unwanted behaviors by training and non-surgical methods. Or not get a cat.
Your view?
As you can see, I feel strongly now.
Have you reached a similar conclusion, or can you still picture non-medical circumstances where declawing is justified?
Join the debate in the comments section below.
Today’s article “Should I Declaw My Cat” is by Sarah Holloway. Sarah holds a bachelors degree in Zoology and has a special interest in animal behavior and communication
References for Should I Declaw My Cat
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, “Position Statement on Declawing Cats.”
American Veterinary Medical Association, (2016), “Welfare Implications of Declawing Domestic Cats”.
Landsberg, G. M., (1991), “Feline scratching and destruction and the effects of declawing”, The Veterinary Clinics of North America, Small Animals Practice.
Tim says
I have seven and they are all fully armed, so to speak. lol I provide lots of things it is ok for them to scratch, and let them know what they can’t scratch, it’s amazing how easy they are to teach if you just have some patients. Cats are very smart and trainable. I can’t imagine having my fingers taken off at the first joint and I’m for sure not going to do that to my critters.
Pippa says
That’s good to hear Tim 🙂
Carol Anderson says
NEVER, NEVER EVER DECLAW. It’s so cruel and painful. I rescued a cat that had been declared and I nearly cry every time I see him try to sharpen his claws. Its pitiful.
Declawing is illegal in some countries and it should be here also!
Pippa says
It seems possible that it will be illegal in the US fairly soon. People do seem to be turning away from it.
Heather says
In general I say its a bad idea. Its thrown around carelessly by people with no understanding of cats. In rare cases its medically necessary like mentioned in the article or for certain cats with behavior disorders that can’t be cured in other ways but its rare. I have never had to declaw one of mine.
Lesley says
Declawing cats is an utterly barbaric practice which gives no benefit to the cat whatsoever, it is a practice carried out to pacify ignorant owners who don’t want their cat scratching furniture, carpets and such…. If this is you then DONT get a cat.
Declawing cats takes away one of their most natural behaviours and causes untold amounts of anxiety and stress.
Again we see a practice which is purely carried out in favour of the owner such as tail docking in dogs.
Declawing cats is cruel and in this day and age should be banned.
Shawna says
I don’t agree. My cats have always been declawed and are completely indoor cats. The cats still scratch just like they have claws. All of my cats since I was young have been happy, healthy, cats.
Lindsey says
This is great to know! A kitten found it’s way to our home in August and we couldn’t turn her away. We just moved into a brand new house with brand new furniture and it has to happen for us and the kitty to co-habitate.
Melisssa says
My Cat was just weeks old when I had her declawed. I was also expecting my first grandchild and I didn’t want any risk to her being scratched but I wanted her to have a kitty to play with as she grew. My Tuxy is happy and healthy and she still reaches and pulls her toes just like one with nails. She uses the potty and is not mean or bites outside the normal for a cat. It’s play nips not bites. She loves her people and has no idea that she was meant to have claws. The benefit is for the owner.. but that in turn benefits the cat. So many are killed, put outside to fin for their own, or dropped off at pounds because of the OWNERS intolerance and how did you put it Barbaric ways to handle an easy fix. The PACIFY themselves by making it OKAY just to put the cat down or surrendering it. I rescued my Tuxy.. she was outside and cold and only weeks old. Her mother had infections and did not live to see her kittens grow. My DECLAWED cat is living her best life declawed.. safe.. warm and very well taken care of. Trust me .. Declawing and kitten and keeping it as a family member or tossing the kitten aside because no one else would take her. Choose life. People have clips and nips and tucks.. they have this and thats removed that is not natural.. but they do it to make them happy. You have one life.. choose happy. Tuxy has no idea.. she knows happy.
GarriAnne Adams says
Years ago I got my first cat and I was hooked, they are such wonderful animals. I too began to see how they can rip things up in short order so I knew I had to make a decision; my things or allow the cats to keep their claws. When I read an article about declawing, it was not hard to make my decision. To heck with material possessions, they could easily be replaced; I wouldn’t harm one whisker on their precious little faces, to hell with the declawing. If people’s possessions are that important, get yourself a stuffed cat or one to sit on a bookcase or shelf, don’t inflict a lifetime of pain to your cat for your expensive furniture.
deborah sorge says
I have 2 cats. One I acquired from my mother who died, whose front claws were already declawed. The other was dropped off at my house as a kitten in the dead of winter, who I took into my house. I had the second one also declawed in the front only. I have never had any foot problems, litter problems or any other problems with either of these cats paws. Both of my cats go outside as they please. Again, I have never had a problem with these cats and they are 8 and 9 years old.
Kelly says
Since I am fairly positive my first reply on a later comment will not be published, I am choosing this one to leave a blanket comment for all those who are saying things like, “My cat’s were just fine the very next day”, or “I’ve declawed my cat’s and they’ve never had any problems, (and THEN mention they’re indoor/outdoor pets), or “I’ve tried scratching posts, so I think I’ll just get them declawed”. I would like to ask anyone thinking about declawing their kittens to wrap masking or scotch tape just below your first knuckle about 5-8 times. Now go the whole day and see if that bothers you, hinders you, or even puts you in danger. I’m betting odds are pretty high no one would last the day. If you can say you weren’t negatively effected or that it wouldn’t be painful to live the rest of your life like that, I can say “Bull”!
For those do gooding “rescuers” out there, um, unless you’re rescuing cat’s from kitty death row and it’s their last minutes before certain death, you’re not doing good. How would you feel if you thought your time was up and you were saved at the last minute, only to find out your savior is going to mutilate you? I doubt your first thought would be “Oh, thank you”! In my opinion, anyone that chooses to declaw for a non medical reason is making that choice solely for themselves, and not their cats. And if your considering it for your cat’s behavioral problems, maybe instead of jumping on the declaw bandwagon, check out the cited links above. And talk to your vet!! There are a ton of options that are better than declawing. Including, finding a different home for your cat, or maybe not “rescuing” it in the first place unless you have the time and patience to care from them properly and humanely.
SS says
I have taken in four otherwise unwanted cats that I truly believe would be cold, sick, hungry, or dead had we not done so. My favorite would have surely been put down because he was extremely aggressive. We had to cage him for about 2 months to let him slowly adapt to people loving him. Now, with 4 cats in the house, I am considering declawing, because couches, carpets, and other furnishings do cost thousands of dollars to replace. I am trying everything to avoid it and so far tacking sand paper to my furniture seems to be the best deterrent. Still, I struggle with carpet. If I ever choose to declaw, I will not be shamed by people who say I should not have gotten the cat. I did not go shopping for a $200 pet/toy. I took in 4 strays that no one wanted and I am giving the a warm, happy home with plenty of food and love. Better that minus the claws than dead under my shed with claws. I love them very much. Maybe if cats were not so often homeless and unwanted, I could see the debate…but don’t shame someone for saving a cat’s life but still wanting to do so without destroying their home. Until there are no homeless kitties or kitties being euthenized just because no one wants them, we are not monsters.
Shawna says
I think declawing a cat is totally fine. As I said above, all of my cats have been declawed and are completely indoor cats. They don’t know the difference. The cats still continue to scratch but just don’t have claws to do damage. (I only do the front claws). My cats have always been happy and healthy. A happy owner equals a happy pet. Don’t let anyone make me feel bad for declawing kittens. You can’t compare a person’s fingers being cut off at the knuckles and a kittens declawing….it’s comparing apples and oranges.
Michael says
Just got my cat declawed yesterday and today he is playing and jumping like normal. Spaying and neutering I guess is not cruel?
Michelle L. Swank, RVT says
Spaying before the first heat cycle eliminates hormonal swings, reduces the chance of mammary cancers, and brings the risk of pyometra (a uterine infection that can be life threatening) to almost zero (stump pyometra is a very rare occurrence but it happens ever so rarely– so I can’t say absolutely zero). It eliminates unwanted pregnancy, and reduces you female cat’s desire to roam in search of a mate. It reduces the random tomcat visits– they seem to know when there’s a female in heat for a long, long way and they show up out of nowhere! Neutering your male helps reduce naughty male behaviors such as spraying, wandering, etc. and it eliminates testicular cancer, and reduces the risk of other male cancers. There are many sound health reasons to spay or neuter your cat. I cannot think of any sound preventative health reason to declaw. Spaying and neutering are not cruel when done in a good veterinary surgery, with proper pain management administered afterwards, and they prevent even worse problems down the road. Sorry, but preserving that $5000 Italian leather sofa ain’t gonna convince me that declawing routinely is worth it, when I can trim my cat’s claws (or get the groomer to do it), or apply claw caps, and provide appropriate scratching and claw exercise facilities for my cat– and lots of praise and encouragement for good behavior.
Kim says
My issue is the cat clawing ME and my family members.we rescued this kitten and she was injured so we had her treated and she is an indoor kitten. We built her a scratching and climbing post and have toys etc. But she loves to jump and pounce playfully or sometimes if a noise scares her. I personally look like i have been in a fighting match with wolverine. Im more worried about getting an infection from one of the scratches. .so im torn about declawing her. I have had her nails trimmed a few times but that only lasts about a week to10 days.
Lindsey says
I guess you’re a better person than the rest of us. 👏👏👏
Michael says
Just got my cat laser declawed yesterday and today he is playing and jumping like normal. Spaying and neutering I guess is not cruel?
Yam says
We had 3 cats and we declawed all of them. They were fine and recovered just fine, and they made better pets. I am of the opinion better declawed than given up because you can’t handle them. It was also nice to hold and pet them without getting scratched.
Don says
This is the United States of America. Land of free choices. If I or anyone else chooses to declaw a cat, that we love and take care of, the option shold be ours not yours.
Ann says
I love my kitten but I have 6 young granddaughters (aged infant to 6 years old) who also love him. They are getting scratched and becoming afraid of him. He climbs up my pant legs leaving me bleeding and in pain. My husband is a bleeder and it’s dangerous for him. So am I a monster for wanting to get him declawed (laser surgery)? Should I put my kittens ability to claw ahead of my familiy’s health? I have purchased a very expensive cat tree to help but it doesn’t! Giving him up is not an option because whether you believe it or not, I am attached to him and love him As much as I do my French bulldog!! And yes, I also have expensive custom made leather furniture that I can’t afford to replace and I don’t want it ruined!! Does all this make me a terrible person? I swear to God you judge-mental people make me sick when you don’t even know All the details! Get a life!!
Shawna says
I agree. The cat doesn’t even know the difference.
Oliver says
Come on people. It’s a CAT, not a human baby. They don’t even have souls!
catlover says
Just a thought, but people often make the ‘if it were compared to human fingers’ argument, but that’s a bit of a stretch. Cats do not use the tips of their fingers for any fine motor skills, so it’s not a particularly sound argument, just an emotional reaction. I’ve worked with declawed cats and even adopted them and they’re not these pitiful, sad creatures with all these medical issues that they’re cracked up to be. It’s more disgusting how people treat other people that decide to declaw a cat. Much like abortion, it’s not an easy decision and shouldn’t immediately vilify the person that has every right to make that decision. Not all cats respond to training and it can be emotionally or physically devastating to both cats and humans, all things considered, to NOT declaw. I certainly have sympathy for people who love their pet too much to surrender or rehome. I’ve worked with enough shelters to tell you cat populations can become so unmanageable that some, sadly and simply, are just put down. It does take a certain amount of compassion to make a hard decision rather than risk a harder one. Unfortunately, people often pretend to be enlightened or more compassionate when they are actually quite apathetic and cruel to anyone who doesn’t jump on their bandwagon. Personally, I’m more disappointed in designer dog breeding practices. If you want a REAL rabbit hole for actual cruelty, there you go.
Shawna says
agree!! They also cut of certain breed of dog’s tails. Rotwilers and Doberman Pinchers come to mind.
Nammi says
It’s been a very hard decision but I’m getting my cat declawed. I have scars all over from her scratching me and she doesn’t like to be handled. Yes my furniture is scratched but that’s not my main concern.Im on blood thinners and my immune system is compromised. I love my cat and to read these comments about us being “barbaric monster’s” is disheartening but my decision stands. At least she will be loved and cared for as she has always been.Tough decisions aren’t easy but when in your heart you know it’s for the best it should give you a peaceful conscience.
Bcj says
I rescued a cat that was declawed. We were best buds and he had full use of his paws. Even phantom scratch the post. I would rub his little paws and he seemed to enjoy it. Well he passed away, and I rescued a new kitten. I tried the nylon nail covers and she would just rip them off. I tried regularly trimming her claws and she just throws a fit! I just dropped her off at the animal hospital and she’s getting declawed. She’s an indoor cat and I work 10 hour days. She gets bored and I understand why she would want to scratch things. I buy her the best food, the best toys, and I like to have nice things too. So I decided to have the procedure done. I bring her around my very young nephews and nieces. I feel so much better knowing that my pretty little kitty can’t scratch them. She tore my first couch to shreds. I wasn’t even mad about it but I believe this is going to make our friendship even better. She’s my little sweetie and I can’t wait to bring her back home and spoil her to death.
D.john says
I salute you for allowing this cat a chance at life instead of a high chance of death by returning it to a shelter. 99% of advocates against declawing do not even want to address the idea that not allowing declawing would mean 1/3 of cats would be put down. That is much crueler than declawing.
D.john says
Say what you want but it is better to declaw than to euthanize a cat period. I am not against it because it does save them from being put down due to less people adopting them. Cruel or not it is less cruel than killing them and it still allows them to have a perfectly fine life.
All this advocates against declawing are just trying to shove their own opinions down peoples throats. They are all literally saying we should just allow that 1/3 of cats to just be killed instead of allowing this option to allow them a chance at life. The same goes for abortion. There is always an option to allow for life and not take life. Allowing declawing allows millions of cats the chance to have a life.