Clever cat names are a wonderful way to celebrate your intelligent kitty. Or to commiserate with one that needs a bit of a boost in the brain department. My cat is beautiful, brilliant company and great fun. He has been with our family for over thirteen years, welcomed home new human siblings and happily tolerated our many other pets. But he’s not going to win a Nobel prize any time soon. When he is not trying to eat hot mushrooms straight out the wok, you can normally find him forgetting how to work the cat flap. Or getting stuck on the flat roof for the billionth time. Despite the open window right next to him, and relatively short jump to the ground.
- Clever cat names for girls and boys.
- Philosophical and mathematical cat names.
- Astronomical names for clever kitties.
- Cat names that mean clever.
Clever female cat names
Would you like to honor one of the many incredibly intellectual women who walked the world before you? Or does your little lady deserve a name that reflects her brains? Either way, you’ll love these clever girl cat names. All picked because they belonged to amazing female scientists. Each of these women has changed and challenged their field, and accomplished something great. You could use their first name or surmame to create an awesome clever cat name for your new kitty.
- Alice (Evans)
- Clara (Barton)
- Elizabeth (Blackwell)
- Emmy (Noether)
- Florence (Bascom)
- Harriet (Brooks)
- Jane (Goodall)
- Joy (Adamson)
- Marie (Curie)
- Mary (Anning)
- Nettie (Stevens)
- Peggy (Whitson)
- Rachel (Carson)
- Ruth (Benedict)
- Virginia (Apgar)
- Wanda (Diaz – Merced)
Clever male cat names
Clever boy cat names can also be inspired by great men from the worlds of physics, chemistry or biology. From mathematicians to anthropologists, scientists and their amazing experiments are continuously making the world a better place.
If we’re honest, your kitty is probably not going to reach such academic highs. But that doesn’t mean that his name can’t!
- Albert (Einstein)
- Alexander (Graham Bell)
- Alfred (Nobel)
- Charles (Darwin)
- Dmitri (Mendeleev)
- Gregor (Mendel)
- Isaac (Newton)
- Louis (Pasteur)
- Michael (Faraday)
- Nicolaus (Copernicus)
- Niels (Bohr)
- Nikola (Tesla)
- Richard (Feynman)
- Robert (Bunsen)
- Stephen (Hawking)
- Werner (Heisenberg)
Scientific clever kitten names
Nothing sounds quite as intellectual as a scientific term. Word of warning though – if you pick one that you don’t understand, you’d better grab a definition online! You don’t want to draw a blank when your friends ask you about it…
- Atom
- Axis
- Boron
- Carbon
- Compound
- Einstein
- Electron
- Galileo
- Gamma
- Helium
- Hydrogen
- Kelvin
- Neon
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Parallax
- Parsec
- Proton
- Quasar
- Skinner
- Titanium
Philosophical cat names
Some of the greatest thinkers to ever walk the Earth found fame as philosophers. Considering how we, our planet and even our universe all interact. And what it means. The idea of philosophy can take rather random turns, but fortunately also definitely gives across some very clever names.
If you want to nod your head to Socrates, or raise a class to Plato, then take a look at these philosophical cat names.
- Altruism
- Aristotle
- Cosmotheism
- Cynicism
- Deism
- Democritus
- Descartes
- Eleatics
- Heraclitus
- Hobbes
- Nietzsche
- Parmenides
- Plato
- Rousseau
- Socrates
- Spinoza
- Thales
Mathematical cat names
Were you a big fan of math at school? Are you a sucker for a good equation?
Then check out these fun clever cat names based around the wonder world of mathematics.
- Algebra
- Axiom
- Cubic
- Factor
- Fractal
- Geometry
- Hilbert
- Logic
- Matrix
- Polar
- Plane
- Pythagoras
- Quadratic
- Vector
- Venn
- Zeta
Mathematicians have their feet firmly on the floor. So what if you are looking for clever cat names that are a bit more out of this world….
Astronomical Clever Cat Names
I was always a bit obsessed with astronomy at school.
If you’ve ever started thinking about space, it opens up an array of questions that could rival a black hole.
You can find a lot of seriously cool ideas and terms in Astronomy.
And several of them make pretty fun clever cat names, too!
- Aerolite
- Asteroid
- Atmosphere
- Aurora
- Bolide
- Celestia
- Cepheid
- Comet
- Corona
- Cosmic
- Eclipse
- Galaxy
- Hubble
- Jupiter
- Mars
- Mercury
- Meteor
- Nadir
- Neptune
- Nova
- Pluto
- Saturn
- Solar
- Syzygy
- Venus
Names That Mean Clever
Clever cat names don’t have to be all that intellectual. In fact, they can just be names that mean clever.
- Brainy
- Canny
- Cunning
- Egghead
- Expert
- Geek
- Genius
- Keen
- Master
- Nerd
- Pro
- Savvy
- Slick
- Smarty
- Wise
Please tell me no one named their cat ‘Corona’ and then 3+ years later had to deal with people asking why they named their cat after a plague.
I named one of my brothers puppies Corona😜 It’s a pretty name
I named my male cat Karen cause when I first got him, I thought he was a girl. He will be 2. is it too late to re-name him?
it’s too late, let him be karen
What should I name my kitten that I slthought was pure white ended up being cream colored so he lied to me what’s a good lier cat name