It's a commonly held belief that most old cats become calmer, slower and more tolerant. But no one passed this message on to my tuxedo cat, … [Read more...]
Awesome Cat Names
This is our cat names hub! We've got a tonne of cool cat names on this blog, and they are sorted into collections. Here you'll find a list of those … [Read more...]
Feeding Your Kitten
Feeding your kitten is all about giving them the right nutrients, in the correct form at the perfect time. No wonder it leaves plenty of new cat … [Read more...]
Clever Cat Names
Clever cat names are a wonderful way to celebrate your intelligent kitty. Or to commiserate with one that needs a bit of a boost in the brain … [Read more...]
Flat Faced Cats – Investigating Brachycephalic Cat Breeds
Flat faced cats are widely admired for their squashed features. Their muzzle is short, nostrils are narrowed and the bridge of their nose often has … [Read more...]
Black Cat Names – 250 Amazing Ideas
We’ve got 250 of the very best black cat names to inspire you. That beautiful black coat is a great starting point for your perfect name. Or you might … [Read more...]
Ragdoll Cat Care, Traits And Breed Guide
Your Ragdoll cat has an affectionate, docile and sweet-natured temperament. And it's no surprise, given the name Ragdoll cat is derived from their … [Read more...]
Maine Coon Cats – Personality, Size, Traits & Care
Maine Coon cats are a longhaired, large cat breed that can weigh up to 18 pounds. These cats are increasingly popular due to their beautiful coats, … [Read more...]
Cute Cat Names – 200 Top Choices For Pretty Kitties!
Inspiration for cute cat names can be found everywhere. In the things around us, food, drink, even household items. Trees and flowers, animals, toys … [Read more...]
Siamese Cats: A Complete Guide
My earliest memories of Siamese cats are the noise. I've known a lot of members of this beautiful breed over the years, but despite their amazing … [Read more...]