It's not always easy to dare to be different. And when it comes to finding unique cat names the pressure is seriously on. Will your off the wall idea … [Read more...]
Boy Cat Names – 250 Amazing Male Cat Names
Naming your kitten is a rollercoaster, from having awesome ideas to getting knocked back down the track by your opinionated friends! But never fear, … [Read more...]
Siamese Cat Names – 200 Awesome Ideas
Siamese cats are social, vocal and love interaction, communication and companionship. These cats are popular for their friendly temperaments and … [Read more...]
Extinct Cats – A Guide To The Cats That History Left Behind
Extinct cats are species that once existed, but no longer have any living members. Both wild and domestic cat species have become extinct in the … [Read more...]
American Wirehair Cat – Breed Information And Care Tips
The American Wirehair cat is an unusual breed of domestic cat with dense, springy and slightly crimped fur. The Wirehair is a medium sized cat, with a … [Read more...]
Can Cats Eat Apples? – A Complete Guide To Cats And Apples
Can cats eat apples? If you are having a fruity snack, then you might be tempted to give your kitty a slice or two. And if your cat likes to play with … [Read more...]
25 Fascinating Cat Paw Facts to Astound Your Friends
The cat paw is a complex part of our feline friends! There are a lot of really interesting facts about our cats’ paws that most people don’t … [Read more...]
DIY Cat Toys: Fun and Simple Homemade Ideas
There are hundreds of reasons why DIY cat toys are the best idea if you’re looking for a new way to treat your pet. It’s also the perfect way to get … [Read more...]
Best Laser Pointer For Cats
If your cat is anything like mine, it loves chasing toys, and laser pointers for cats are one of the most popular type of toy for this fun … [Read more...]
Dog-like Cat Breeds
This week Megan Austwick rounds up the most dog-like cat breeds... At some point in your life you have probably been asked the question: are you a … [Read more...]