A cat’s health is deeply linked to their happiness, because they are at heart intelligent and active creatures.
Staying fit and mobile for as much of their life as possible is a real priority.
So we’ve put together lots of handy guides to help you keep your cat in top shape.
Click the links below to jump to the relevant section, or scroll down to find out more!
General Cat Health Decisions
There are three big areas of controversy when it comes to cat health.
And they all involve actions and procedures that many owners consider routine.
Get involved and make your choice in the great declawing, neutering and vaccination debates here:
Cat Medicines And Treatments
When our cat gets ill, most of us will go to the veterinarian.
We will then have a medicine or treatment prescribed, depending on what the issue turns out to be.
The articles below will help you to understand what that drug your veterinarian has given you will do. Including possible side effects.
But we will also look at some of the more popular at home treatments.
To find out whether they work, and if it’s safe to use them on your kitty.
Accidents And Injuries In Cats
Cats might seem to have nine lives, but they are actually pretty accident prone.
Here’s what to do when your kitten gets into a scrape, or eats something she shouldn’t.
Structural Problems In Cats
Cats come in a surprising variety of shapes.
From the flat faced Persian to the sharp nosed Havana Cat.
The tailless Manx to the many toed Maine Coon.
And some of these differences can have potential health implications. Flat faced cats can suffer from breathing difficulties for example.
If you are thinking of buying from an unusually shaped cat breed, then check out this information first:
Three Legged Cats
Cat Anatomy And Physiology
You only have to watch a cat playing for five minutes to realise what a marvel they are.
Built with unbelievable speed and agility, your kitten can run fast, leap high and turn on a dime.
And it’s not just how they put their body into action that’s impressive.
It’s the way in which it works and was formed:
Feline Illnesses
Just like us, our cats sometimes get sick or suffer from mild illnesses.
Here are some things to look out for in your cat:
Feline Mental Health
Cats might seem like the coolest of customers, but they can have worries just like any of us.
Here are some ways to make sure your cat’s mental health is in good shape.
And ways to help her if you think she’s struggling:
Cat Longevity And Lifespan
You might be surprised to find that not all cat breeds are equally long lived.
Although there are general rules of thumb for longevity, they don’t apply to all kitty varieties.
How Long Do Cats Live?
Bombay Cat Lifespan
Egyptian Mau Lifespan
Exotic Shorthair Lifespan
Norwegian Forest Cat Lifespan
Raising A Healthy Cat
Your cat’s health can make a huge difference to their quality of life.
And his needs will change both depending on his breed, and on the stage of life he is at right now.
For more information on how to care for your cat, check out the guides below: